martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008



Elige la mejor palabra que define cada imagen. Sigue el ejemplo.

- ? - phone computer camera television

- ? - phone computer camera radio

- ? - book pen car bicycle

- ? - nurse businessman bus driver secretary

- ? - beer wine orange juice milk

- ? - cooker bed armchair lamp

- ? - a cheap book a hot drink a small house a red chair

- ? - a brown sofa a blue sofa a green sofa a yellow sofa

- ? - single divorced married finished

- ? - ham soup fish cheese

- ? - kitchen vegetables chicken fruit

- ? - sleep play work drive

- ? - study read listen speak
Comprueba tus respuestas y suma 1 punto por cada respuesta correcta.Total puntos.
A continuación, elige la mejor palabra para cada frase. Sigue el ejemplo.
Ejemplo: What - ? - are is am be your name?
1. How - ? - is am are much you?

2. - ? - Me My You I name's José

3. - ? - Where What Who Why are you from?

4. What's your - ? - married old expensive address?
5. Ten, eleven, twelve - ? - thirteen thirty sixteen fifteen, fourteen.

6. I'm - ? - not no isn't is not married?

7. Penelope Cruz is Spanish. - ? - She's Her His He's from Madrid.

8. - ? - What How many Have How old are you?
9. Paris - ? - no is isn't aren't not in Italy.

10. I - ? - no isn't not don't like classical music.

11. I - ? - get up get down get by get on at 7 o'clock in the morning.

12. Katherine Zeta Jones - ? - no doesn't not don't live in London.
13. My flat has a very big - ? - kitchen kitten chicken house.

14. Brad Pitt is Jennifer Aniston's - ? - wife son husband daughter.

15. David Beckham - ? - drives plays eats drinks football.

16. When - ? - are were was is you born?
Comprueba tus respuestas y suma 1 punto por cada respuesta correcta.Total puntos.
Ahora escucha y elige la mejor respuesta para cada situación. Sigue el ejemplo.
Ejemplo: (Si no escuchas el sonido o no lo oyes con claridad, consulta las FAQ )
Yes, anyNo, there aren't Yes, it is Cheers!

(Are there any beers in the fridge?)
1. Bye! Excuse me. Hello. 5 o'clock.

2. No, I not. Yes, I am. Yes, I do. No, thank you.

3. My teacher is rich. Yes, I have two sisters. No, I'm not married. How much are they?
4. Yes, I do. Yes, I speak. No, I doesn't. No, I'm not.

5. Anything else? I'm Sandra. Very well, thank you. I'm a secretary. And you?.

6. No, I don't drink. You're welcome. White or red?. Two sugars, please.
7. I'm 37. I'm fine, thank you.Yes, please. I like them old.I have 23 years.

8. Ham and cheese. It's six o'clock. Yes, of course. They're 5 euros.

9. That's 25 dollars. Yes, of course sir. How much is it, please?.I'll take it.
10. Where am I? Thank you. And you are here. I'm fine, thank you.

11. Over there, next to the tea. I'm sweet enough. Black please. No thanks, I'm Spanish.

12. Medium, please. Nothing to drink, thank you. Yes please, it's lovely!. I like swimming
Comprueba tus respuestas y suma 1 punto por cada respuesta correcta.Total puntos.
Suma los puntos de las tres partes. Si has obtenido 30 puntos o más, continúa con el Test 2. En caso contrario (si has obtenido menos de 30 puntos), es recomendable que empieces por el Curso de Iniciación.
Realiza el Test 2
La Mansión del Inglés. © Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B.. Todos los derechos reservados.

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